Want a Chinese work visa, but can't find a job in China?
一些不法分子看到了这个“商机”,加以利用,通过自己开设的公司为外国人申请入境签证,并协助外国人申请在华居留证件。Some sees it as “a chance to make fortune”. They apply for work visas under the name of their own companies for foreigners, as well as residence permits in China.
这看起来似乎没什么不妥的。其实不然,外国人实际工作单位须与就业证注明的单位一致,如果你入境后,实际上并非在该公司工作,就会构成非法就业,不仅劳动权利不受法律保护,还会被罚款并驱逐出境。It seems nothing is wrong. In fact, it is not. The actual workplace of the foreigner must be the same as the one indicated on the work permit. If you do not actually work in the company after entering the country, it will constitute illegal employment. Not only will your labor rights not be protected by law, but you will also be fined and deported.
近日,上海警方发现一名外籍男子以上海某公司员工名义申请工作许可,但其实际工作地点与申报工作地点不符。随后以此为突破口,顺藤摸瓜,查清了虚假事实、伪造申请材料、骗取出入境证件并出售给外国人的犯罪链条。Recently, the Shanghai police discovered that a foreign man had applied for a work permit as an employee of a company in Shanghai, but his actual workplace did not match his declared workplace. The police then took this as a breakthrough and followed the vine to clarify a criminal chain of fictitious facts, forging application documents, fraudulently obtaining entry and exit documents and selling them to foreigners.
image@National Immigration Administration
After investigation, the suspects Shi and Kong used their own companies to issue false invitation letters, labor contracts and work certificates for foreigners to obtain entry visas, and assisted foreigners to obtain residence permits and illegal employment in China for profit, causing great potential danger to the national (border) management order.
现涉案的6名外国人都将在接受公安机关处罚后限期出境;施某、孔某宇等已被公安机关立案侦查,相关案件仍在进一步审理中。Now the six foreigners involved in the case will be punished and then be forced to leave the country; Shi and Kong have been investigated by the public security authorities, and the relevant cases are still under further investigation.
与中国公民不同,外籍人士在华工作是有从业限制的,一旦违反了这些限制,就会受到处罚。Unlike Chinese citizens, foreigners working in China are subject to some restrictions, and punishments will be imposed upon violations.
一、特定的雇佣单位A specific employer
The work permit for foreigners needs to be applied for by the employer in China, and there is only one employer. That is to say, you can only work for the employer specified in the work permit, and only the salary paid by the employer can be your legal income.
What’s more, employers are prohibited from labor dispatch of foreign employees. For an intern wanted, hee ca n only be a foreign student studying in colleges and universities in China, and foreign students studying in overseas colleges and universities are not allowed.
二、规定的岗位A prescribed position
For foreigners working in China, the occupation and position must be the same as those indicated on the work permit. Even in the same company, whether it is a demotion, promotion or transfer, the work permit must be changed accordingly.
三、有限的工作范围Limited work location
The work permit is not universal, you can only work in the city where it is issued, more specifically, you can only work at the address of the company applied. If you have a work permit in Guangzhou, but work in Beijing, it is also considered as illegal employment.
If the work location changes due to the company's relocation, the employer will apply for update of information of foreign employees and the work permit will be automatically updated. There is no need for you to do anything.
The work permit for foreigners is the legal certificate for foreigners to work in China. If the employer changes, the foreigner must apply for and handle the process of transferring work permit at the same time.
Foreigners need to cancel their existing work permit to apply for employment transfer, but the residence permit should be within the period of validity (the residence permit will not be cancelled).
注销原工作许可后,自注销之日起 30 日内提交新工作许可申请。
After canceling the original work permit, submit an application for a new work permit within 30 days from the date of cancellation.
If you meet the processing conditions, you can obtain a new work permit in about 10-15 working days. If the residence permit is to be further changed, it will take another 5-7 working days.
If you really can't find a job in China, don't even take a chance to falsify documents for permits!
Just come to HACOS, we can help you out by opening your own company in China. You will be your own employer and be qualified to apply for a work visa for yourself.
It doesn't matter even if you are overseas, we will follow up the whole process of company registration and visa application for you, saving your time and effort.