People who often nap have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and having a stroke, a large new study has found.一项最新的大规模研究发现,经常小憩的人患高血压和中风风险更高。
"This may be because, although taking a nap itself is not harmful, many people who take naps may do so because of poor sleep at night. Poor sleep at night is associated with poorer health, and naps are not enough to make up for that," said clinical psychologist Michael Grandner in a statement. Grandner directs the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, and was not involved in the study.临床心理学家迈克尔·格兰德纳声称:“这可能是因为,尽管小憩本身并没有危害,但许多人小憩可能是因为夜间睡眠不佳。夜间睡眠不佳往往与健康状况较差有关,小憩不足以改善健康状况。”格兰德纳是亚利桑那州图森市班纳大学医学中心行为睡眠医学诊所主任,他没有参与这项研究。